Monday, July 13, 2009

NOT ME! Monday

Once again, it's time for Not Me! Monday!!! :)

I would NEVER let my daughter skip lunch and fill up on movie theater popcorn. NO WAY! I would certainly NEVER order said popcorn with extra butter. That would be so terribly unhealthy. What kind of a mom would do that? Certainly NOT ME! I know that!

I would NEVER tell my daughter she could ride the carousel, only to realize that I have no cash. When I realized that I didn't have any money, I would certainly NOT distract my daughter by taking her to the play area in the mall instead. And then when she asked about the carousel, I would certainly NOT tell her that it was broken. NOPE! NOT ME! (How much longer will that trick work, I wonder?)

I would certainly NEVER try to lift too much stuff and wind up wrenching my back so bad I could barely breath. And if I did that, I would certainly NOT convince myself (and everyone else) that I was having back labor. NOPE! I would NEVER send out a false alarm like that!

I would certainly NOT lay in bed on Sunday night thinking of all the things I could include in my Not Me! Monday post. That would be a little neurotic. I have much more important things to think about than that!

Want to read more Not Me! Monday? You can click on the button at the top of this post or head on over to My Charming Kids and join in the fun.

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