Friday, February 26, 2010

Letters of Intent

Dear Girl Scouts:

I love your delicious cookies. I love your Thin Mints. I love your ThanksALot. I love them all! I would buy cases upon cases of your delicious cookies, if I could afford it. I will most likely go bankrupt buying your cookies since you keep raising the prices. I only bought 5 boxes this year instead of my usual 6. I'm already freaking out because we only have two boxes left! Maybe you could consider having a summer time cookie sale? And maybe another in the fall? I need my Girl Scout Cookie fix!!!

A Girl Scout Cookie Addict


Ashley T said...

Hahaha! Some girl scout troops buy extras and freeze them then sell them later... a lot of troups in Rochester do that. MMM, thin mints! I still haven't gotten my cookies.. sad face!

Foursons said...

They totally need to sell in the summer. February is a bad month when everyone is still trying to lose weight with their New Year's resolutions. But come summer everyone loves a good cookie!

Thanks for linking up!