1. I hate it when people smoke in an enclosed space around me or child. Um...just because you turn on a fan, doesn't make it ok! Neither does going into another room and shutting the door. In case you haven't heard..second hand smoke is BAD, especially for little kids and pregnant women. I used to smoke, so I can understand why you want a cigarette (even though it's nasty) but please take it outside!
2. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable when people use racial slurs. I don't use them, I don't like them and I don't want my very impressionable two year old learning them.
3. It also makes me uncomfortable when people spout their political views with little or no research. FYI World: Just because your neighbor, best friend, TMZ, or random person on the street says it true, it doesn't mean it is! If you're going argue politics with me, please do your research first.
4. I am extremely uncomfortable when strangers talk to my daughter. With all the abductions that are on the news all the time, why do people STILL think it's ok to talk to my daughter and totally ignore me? It's weird. And creepy. If you do it, please stop.
5. I get really uncomfortable when people tell me how to parent. Ok, uncomfortable may be putting it mildly. I makes me really angry. She's MY daughter, not yours. If I think she need a hat, she wears a hat; if I say no more candy, I mean NO MORE CANDY. Or when people say "You're being over protective." Yes yes I am being over protective. Wanna know why? Because I'm her MOTHER and THAT'S MY RIGHT!
6. Smelly people make me uncomfortable. Please please please pay attention to your personal hygiene. I don't care if your clothes are old, just make sure they're clean. I don't care if you didn't take a shower, but please use deodorant. And if you don't use deodorant, please shower. If you can't do either, then stay home. I know it's mean, but I hate the smell of body odor. HATE IT!
What are your six?
Racism is very inappropriate and uncomfortable.
I agree with you on the parenting. I have four kids and someone always has some type of advice for me. I am always being called over protective. But look at the world we are in. Of course I am going to be over protective!!
love the list! Number 5 is a biggie for me too!
You are so right on all of those. I remember my mother in law giving me her 'advice' and all I could think was that's how her daughter's got so messed up.......
#3 irritates me too. People are so quick to repeat what they've heard (no matter what the topic), without actually understanding what they're saying.
Great list!
Great list, I hate it when people tell me how to parent, unless I ask for advice and even then - some people go far. I am learning and I have to make mistakes to learn. I am sorry if the fact that I let me son eat things off the floor bothers you (which, by the way, I don't! It grosses me out - just an example!)
Unless I ask no one should give me parenting advice. Chances are with 5 kids I will know more then them, lol.
I totally agree with #2 and #4 is completely understandable.
This one was hard. Um ...
1. I hate it when people involve me in their lies. If someone feels the need to lie to someone else, they can do it without my help.
2. It makes me uncomfortable when I'm in the restroom at work and someone sits in the stall next to me. There are like 12 stalls in our bathroom; why can't people leave at least one stall between me and them?
3. I don't like it when people try to tell me what to do - especially when it comes to parenting. I'll use the bottles I want to use and Billy will sleep with us if I want him to. I don't know how to politely tell people to shut up or butt out.
4. I'm uncomfortable when people argue in my vicinity.
5. I'm uncomfortable answering these questions, 'Do you like my hair?', 'Do you like my outfit?', etc.
6. I'm uncomfortable around loud, obnoxious, arrogant people who chomp their gum, come late to meetings and wear flip flops to work. (Can you tell I'm thinking about someone specific?!)
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