Donna: Are you sure you don't want a puppy? You can take one today.
Me: I don't know...they are pretty cute though.
Donna: They'll be really good dogs and Labs are great around kids.
Me: I still don't know..I need to talk to Ben.
Donna: Are you sure? (She's very persistent)
Me: Well, we don't have a kennel or anything and we can't have her in the house.
Donna: I have a kennel you can use.
Me: We don't have any dog food either.
Donna: I can give you some dog food.
Me: Ben will not be happy.
Donna: Just take it home and try it for a few days. If it doesn't work out, you can bring it back.
Yeah right! HA! So, we have an adorable puppy! Oh, and Ben wasn't mad at all!
I love her! I want her!
She and Devo (our dog) can be friends!
She will never be as cute as Devo
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